Monday, January 19, 2009

it's business tiiime...

Well actually its inauguration time. And we at the Wigshop, well just me, want to know if you know of any interesting parties going on.

My wife and some colleagues are doing an "Obama-rama" on campus at their office, with cupcakes by Magpies with the new prezies likeness on them. All that to say I think there is a party at the Crown Plaza Downtown that you can attend, I'm sure there are others and that's why I'm asking- anyone know of a fun party I can crash?


book_chick81 said...

There is a party at Manhattan's, starting at 7pm.

ck said...

it's not a party, but i heard the actual inauguration is being shown in one of the Riviera theaters this morning.

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine sent me a text earlier saying "free beer tonight at club 106 to celebrate the inauguration".

She failed to mention whether there was a cover or not.

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