Friday, March 19, 2010

Is Knoxville the Bermuda Triangle?

I saw this Yee-Haw sign a couple of weeks ago in the windows of some of the Gay Street stores and was like, 'WTF, R.B.**? Knoxville the Bermuda Triangle of the Appalachians? No way. All the crazy stuff happens East of here. A corner of the triangle, maybe, but not the whole freakin' thing.'

And then I read this article in the Metro Pulse about how many Knoxvillians deny Knoxville's connection to Appalachia, in the impoverished, bizarre sense that it's often portrayed.

So, what do you think? Is Knoxville the Bermuda Triangle of the Appalachians (give evidence and antidotes to support your claim) and do we Knoxvillians need to do a better job of embracing Appalachia?

**Some background on R.B. Morris' claim that Knoxville is the Bermuda Triangle of the Appalachians.


  1. I'm always a little amazed when people find out I live in Knoxville and then ask, "is that near Memphis?" It's crazy that Others don't have a sense of what the state looks like or that we've got a big body of mountains over here on the right side of the map. But I remind myself that I can't judge because I kind of used to be the same way. When I first met my partner eons ago I was amazed that he was from East Tennessee, a little further East of Knoxville, and that he spoke so well and had all his teeth. I know it's a stereotype. A big one. But I kind of embrace it now. So I don't have much evidence that we're part of Appalachia, but I believe that we are and that it's something we should wear with pride. Of course, I'm not from here.

  2. Buddy of mine regularly can't get a GPS signal downtown. Does that count?

  3. I know that the corner of 17th and Cumberland is the Bermuda Triangle for businesses.

  4. I used to work at a hotel, and had a huge chip on my shoulder regarding Southern stereotypes (probably more so because I was born there, but raised here). Traveling Yankees would come in and say some variant of, "You are too articulate to be a Southerner." Well excuse me, we're not all Jethro Bodine, some of us went to school. I have a commode in the house, too.

    But I am much mellower in my old age, wink.

  5. i'd venture to say there is plenty of crazy stuff that happens all around us. north, south, east and west. i've seen it.

    growing up east of here was fine, too.

    and ditto on the accent thing J-O-B.

  6. My guess is he was on Beverly Hillbillies.

    I thought this claim just meant that people coming down from the mountains into Knoxville decided to stay, forever.

    I tend to stay in the little bubble that is downtown Knoxville, but I've heard plenty of stories of people that have ventured off main streets in North, South, and East Knoxville. Not saying everyone's crazy there or anything, but I think there are definitely strange things abrew in the deeper corners of our city.

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